Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekend Coming ...

I can hardly wait for Thanksgiving break --but there's a lot happening between now and then. This weekend D#1 has a 3 day meet, plus I'm one of the drivers for the big dorm outing to the 10:30 p.m. showing of "Twilight" tomorrow. Then I'm in the dorm from 9-12 both Sat & Sun mornings before going back to the pool. Friends are having a housewarming party Saturday night. And I'm on duty again Sunday night. Whew.

I'm still knitting like crazy for the craft fair. It feels almost wrong to put those things up on my Ravelry project page -- I don't know if I can quite explain that one. Currently obsessing me, and NOT for the craft fair, is the skull-face scarf from Knitty. I bought my first Noro Silk Garden ever, just for this. The only thing is, I can't wrap my mind around the idea of waiting til December 8th to cast on.


Bea said...

wow your weekend sounds enormously busy. I hope you get some knitting time.

Knitting Linguist said...

Wow. I hope you survived your weekend! (And maybe got to knit a little?) I have no idea how you're managing not to cast that Noro on... ;)