Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Off to London and I Miss Her Already

and I'm watching her flight on FlightView Live --what is that going to accomplish, really? Still, it makes me feel better. My big plan was that we would be silly in the airport so she wouldn't have a chance to get teary (while she's excited about this trip, this is a child, remember, who never wanted to go to overnight camp--she's gone away twice with her class, for one and three nights, but that's it).

So I gave D#2 a pair of sparkly gold pompoms and she immediately went into a very energetic and polished cheerleader act. The British Airways desk agent said it was a first for her, and D#1 said "Oh my God, Mom," which seemed quite promising --and in fact she hung in there and did NOT get teary until she got into the line to go through security. So her father and I held up our Bon Voyage signs and her sister waved pompoms ... and then we fled. I'm not even sure I said goodbye to my parents. I did not cry til we were out of the airport.

Our recent Netflix fare:

Get Smart (many stars from D#1, and R even grudgingly admitted that they hadn't ruined his memory of the tv show)
Charlie Wilson's War
Body of Lies
National Treasure 1 and 2
Finding Neverland
3:10 to Yuma
It Could Happen to You
Pirates of the Caribbean (all 3)
Encounters at the End of the World
The Dark Knight
Good Night and Good Luck
The Bourne Ultimatum

You can see that my spouse and I never get to the theater ... and that I'm trying to find ways to combat the Hannah Montana craze. Mostly unsuccessfully, I might add.

Knitting? Yes. I have frogged the traveling scarf now four times, I think -- but the end of my section is in sight. Am on to the second of my plain vanilla purple socks... and am contemplating the rescue of some UFOs. I'm still on break, after all.

I have written a huge note on the easel in the front hall so maybe I won't forget to go teach my evening class tomorrow. Mary Peters is on tap, and I'd hate to miss that conversation.

They're at 37,000 feet and 588 mph. I don't think I'll watch the flight all the way to Heathrow, but I'll never tell.


Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, gosh. *I* got teary just thinking about waving goodbye like that; I don't know that I could have held it together as well as you did. And I don't blame you a bit for watching the flight. I'm looking forward to hearing updates about her trip. I love your movie list. I'm dying to see Charlie Wilson's War and Body of Lies, and am a fan of the action/adventure movies you've got there (National Treasure and Pirates). Somehow I never get to see movies anymore...

Bea said...

I was telling Chris about the pom pom idea cause I thought "well that was really smart!"

Him: "If she doesn't want to go why is she."

Me: "She's actually really excited to go."

Him: "hmmm...why's she crying then?"

Men, they just don't understand how these things work. I'm teary just thinking about it. Hell I'm teary when we leave the dogs and cats with one of the sisters. I think watching the flight is a good idea too. I'm sure she's landed safely by now.