Monday, November 10, 2008

It's Monday

Hurray! My Outlander swap package arrived the other day. Just look at all the goodies! Above, Rumpelstiltskin Happy Feet yarn ...

Celtic theme stitch markers

three gorgeous patterns, and a lovely shawl pin -- not pictured, a bag of catnip (guess who has that?), homemade shortbread (in the foil-covered box at the top of the picture, contents now consumed) and herbal tea ...

and my bag -- just LOOK at this bag

Isn't it gorgeous? I was truly fortunate in my amazing swap partner, was I not? I hope the package she received was half as good as the one she sent me.

I never saw as many leaves in my life as are currently occupying our little cul de sac. Truly treacherous for the bicycle riders among us. I did try to take a picture today but there was no way my little Powershot was up to a scene of this vastness.

Today I got an e-mail from the 2009 Tour de France organizers asking me to take a survey. I thought, what the heck, it's that or grade papers, and clicked the link. They began by asking what I think of the route, which has just been released, my impressions of the efficacy of the drug testing regime (hm), and whether I'm likely to buy a Skoda because the company sponsors the Tour. I haven't seen many of these on the Southeast Expressway...

Knitting up a storm for the craft fair and to finish off the package for my swappee ....


Knitting Linguist said...

What a great package!! I love the bag, and the yarn is such gorgeous colors. Isn't it nice when things like that come just at the right time?

Bea said...

Excellent Package!