Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Two more classes, one holiday assembly, a department lunch and a tutoring session to go. One stack of final papers. Bags to pack and a flight to catch. Snowstorm to avoid ...

Which is all to say that I have managed to stagger my way to winter break. This semester has been eventful in many ways, and mind-bogglingly busy; I have knit furiously to keep sane and for the most part it has worked. Some long-back-burnered projects have worked their way to the front of the line (D#2's sweater, finishing the River Rapids socks, the skull scarf, and a PIF or two) and I am looking forward to having a little time to enjoy them.

Here's some of my holiday reading list:

George Bowering Baseball Love
Henning Mankell, The Pyramid
Arnaldur Indridason Jar City
Michael Kodas, High Crimes: The Fate of Everest in an Age of Greed
Robert Muchamore, The Dealer
Mason-Dixon Knitting 2.0, Ann Shayne and Kay Gardiner


Knitting Linguist said...

Almost there! And it sounds like you've got good plans for your time off (that list looks great). I'm glad the knitting helped with the sanity -- thank goodness for small miracles, eh? Fly safely!

Bea said...

Yay for a break!! Have a safe trip! (my word verification is blessings)