Sunday, December 7, 2008

As Promised

And now it is Sunday. Eleven days until break. I am bone tired.

We had a little snow this morning and then it turned quite cold, but I don't know that the weather entirely explains the paltry numbers who came through the doors of the craft fair this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, we didn't have a terrible time -- but it was disappointing to those of us who'd reserved tables and to my friend who had put a lot of time and effort into organizing and advertising the event. The constituency with the best turnout was far and away swim team parents. The school where the fair was held has over 600 students, and only about a tenth of those families turned out. The principal of the school didn't come and the PTO heads (this fair was in part to benefit the PTO) came late, spent under $30 total, and never spoke to the organizers.

What else -- I sold a couple of pairs of fingerless gloves and a scarf, but not much else. I was asked a number of times for non-wool items, which surprised me -- I wonder if that was just this audience or whether it is a trend to which I should attend if I ever do another one of these. Now, though, I can focus on finishing some of my own projects, and possibly even tackling the sweater D#2 chose at Ladybug Knitting (pattern and yarn) when we were on the Cape this summer.

I have some pictures of our table and will post them tomorrow. Right now I am on duty, far from my camera cable.

Tomorrow evening --D#1's class play. Tuesday evening: residential staff meeting. Wednesday: can't even remember what. Thursday: final meeting of my evening class (which means that their final papers are coming in ...). Friday: on duty til Sunday midnight.

The perfect song comes to mind:

I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired, my mind is on the blink
I wonder should I get up and fix myself a drink

Thanks guys, as always -- that's just right.

ETA: D#2 spent most of the afternoon in the dorm with one of my advisees, and then stuck around to have takeout dinner and go to Sunday chapel (I knew the gospel choir was on tonight and thought she'd like it). So after the group (a real mix of the 4 grades plus a couple of faculty) sang some rockin' spirituals and we'd headed back out into the cold I asked her if she'd enjoyed herself. "Oh yes," she said, "the music was nice, but Mommy the women's outfits and their SHOES ..." Attagirl.


Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, wow. That's just a nutty schedule -- so much to get through before the end! (I can see why that song would be running through your head.) I'm so sorry about the craft fair; that's the kind of thing that could really turn one off of volunteering again, which is a pity. Hang in there; I'll be thinking of you as I spend my week grading grading grading, with no one to blame but myself...

Bea said...

I'm not surprised you are tired wow. Hopefully it will go quickly!

Nana Sadie said...

I wonder if the "no wool" thing has anything to do with "NON-knitters" thinking wool is scratchy?

Acrylic is less expensive, and washes. If you can stand to knit with it, perhaps a nice blend would be better for future events? I don't really know, it's just a thought!