Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Druid Mittens

So I made a bad call and took the Druid mittens to faculty meeting tonight. I should have taken the boring but beautifully pink and sparkly scarf I'm making for D#2. During the first bombshell announcement I lost my place in the first chart and had to frog back 20+ rows. I hate when that happens. But then I pulled myself together and made a lot of progress. I'm trying to decide whether to color code the chart so I don't need my old lady reading glasses (I can no longer do the New York Times Sunday crossword without said glasses, sad to say). I like this pattern a lot, and the Dream in Color is showing the stitch definition beautifully. I wonder if I'll have the attention span to make more than one pair.

Kitchen update: I plan to buy some jars and try green tomato pickle -- I did try the green tomato cake recipe that came as an online extra with The Boston Globe magazine a couple of weeks ago; it was a huge hit with my family, none of whom knew it contained tomato. Interestingly, you also add beer -- which must help the batter counteract the weight of the tomato puree -- I used Avery IPA which I would NOT do if I make the cake again. Something with a less distinct and hoppy taste is probably better for baking (although the IPA is delicious for drinking). I suspect, in fact, that Guinness would have been better. Speaking of newspaper recipes, the other night R made the mac and cheese pancakes from the aforesaid New York Times. They were extremely yummy.

When we had family over on Monday I made whole wheat bread and banana bread, and squash/apple soup, and I'm glad I did, as I'm feeling crummy now (some sort of tree pollen allergies AND a cold) I have no interest in setting foot in the kitchen. Given that our 19th wedding anniversary is tomorrow, that doesn't bode well for a festive dinner...

And yes, I did notice that my beloved Red Sox are being massacred at Fenway. I don't really want to talk about it.


Knitting Linguist said...

This is definitely a good thing/bad thing sort of post... Yay for cool mittens, but boo for losing your place in the chart (I SO want to knit those mittens, and my BIL wants them -- I wonder if I can size up?). Yay for yummy food (green tomato pickle, mmm...), but boo for not feeling good. Yay for 19 year anniversaries (congratulations!!), but boo for the not-so-good luck of the sox. Hang in there...

Bea said...

I hope your mittens turn out well.

I think the green tomato pickle sounds yummy, as does the tomato cake. I'm more hesitant about the pancakes, but that might be because I don't like pancakes or syrup.

I hope you feel better soon and that you have a wonderful anniversary.

Nana Sadie said...

Green tomato pickle/relish sounds yummy!