Saturday, October 11, 2008

Some Silver Lining (picture heavy)

Adding text seems a little superfluous, but I want to credit the fall photos properly (taken by D#1). I am glad to be reminded that, while the overall picture is grim, daily life has many positives and it's time to focus on them. So I'll try to do that, and attend to the fundamental tasks of that routine, and try not to get agitated about the crashing markets, grim economy, and other frustrations attendant upon being part of a community.

I do love fall, and these photos do show some of the New England foliage thing at its most scenic.

I'm enjoying using up scraps of sock yarn on these little ornament-y things. Dobby thinks they're cat toys, and Raeford thinks they're good for puppies, but I'm inclined to think they might have a less rough-and-tumble use. The fall mittens are still OTN, but require a pretty intesne focus on the various charts. Photos of them next time.

Oh, yes, last night in Tampa Bay --that was pretty good.

courtesy of
courtesy of

one of the new snails

and some more pretty leaves

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Also, I made applesauce. Of course it did not come out as beautifully pink as my mother's applesauce always does. She won't share her trick.

I think I'll go to a football game for a little while. After that my list looks like this: come home & write some comments, open my e-mail even though it's a long weekend and I'm resolved not to stress out, knit something, and get ready for Game 2 ...

1 comment:

Knitting Linguist said...

Some of that lining looks gold to me -- those are gorgeous fall colors! And is that a puppy I see? It looks like the start of a good weekend :)