Friday, February 6, 2009

100th Day of School

My youngest took the requisite poster with 100 beads glued on to school today. I felt bad, because we didn't have time to work with her on it, and it's by no means as elaborate as she wanted it to be. Still she's so focused on Valentine's Day that I think she'll cut us some slack. It gets busy around now, though; I love that Valentine's Day is immediately followed by my spouse's birthday but given the way expectations around Valentine's Day are ramping up in a serious way around here it's likely to be a busy (and chocolate-y) weekend.

I'm trying to find a baseball-ish stitch motif for the 3rd of the Red Sox traveling scarves to come my way. It needs to work over 27 stitches and most of the patterns I've seen really work best on a multiple of 4. I wish I were better at mapping out these things myself! I know that I'm not good at visualizing/designing; thus far my skill seems to be knowing what a specific yarn wants to be when it is knit.

While I've been procrastinating about one major bit of school work (advisor letters due Monday) and a book review (overdue, don't ask), I have been checking some things off a longterm to-do list, and today I took the first step toward finding a new PCP. I'm tired of the way my current doctor deals with me (ordering many tests without really taking the time to figure out what's going on, dropping inquiries mid-stream, poor communication, etc). I'm a basically healthy person but do have some ongoing issues that need some attention, and I feel as though my current PCP doesn't take me seriously. So I've been wanting to move on for over a year and I just got the name of someone who is well-regarded, close to home, and accepting new patients. I called this afternoon and have an appointment for May!

We may get a break from the bitter cold this weekend -- it would be nice to get rid of some of the multiple inches of solid ice on the driveway but I don't know where the stuff is going to go when it melts....

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