Saturday, February 28, 2009

Enough already

So here we are at the end of February and I am sick, again. This time I thought I'd be sensible and go to the doctor before my sinus infection dropped into my chest and turned into yet another case of bronchitis. But the health care world doesn't work like that. Try to wait the thing out and they tell you that you should have come sooner; make an effort to nip it in the bud, and they'll say you're there too soon. I sat in the office long enough to get some antibiotics, which I hope will take care of the viral thing turning bacterial, but I still feel horrible. Our CVS was OUT of Sudafed, can you believe it? Even keeping it behind the counter and away from the meth makers isn't sufficient to keep this wonder drug in stock. I made it to my day job Thurs and Fri, I cancelled my Thursday evening class, and this morning R got up and took D#1 to swim practice (a true indication of how ill I must look, although he is a tactful fellow).

Some of us aren't bothered by all the human sturm und drang. Here is Fleur on/in her new favorite sleeping place:

And here is my second Noro scarf, far more muted in approach than the first:

Here is D#2's sweater-in-progress (it's cute but a boring knit thus far):

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And this is the weekend when I have a lot to read:

I haven't counted recently, but there might be 220 of these things. Pass the Kleenex.


Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, yeurgh. That's a lot of grading. Talk about adding insult to injury. I hope that the cold goes away ASAP (you can tell it for me that it had better!). The knitting looks good, though -- I don't know how you find time to do it all!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! Your projects look lovely. I think Noro is always good to cheer you up when you're not feeling well!

Bea said...

WOw that is a lot of proposals. I hope you make it through them.

Your knitting looks awesome and I'm so sorry you aren't feeling well.