Sunday, February 22, 2009


Aside from an advisee crisis (non-life-threatening), this has been a pretty calm weekend.

We puppy-sat. The puppy is all of a sudden quite huge, and she was much better behaved this time than the last. I was happy to have her visiting us again, but the truth is that R does the lion's share of the work with a dog in the house. He seemed happy to have a dog around and for the first time in our acquaintance with this dog I didn't think he was feeling guilty about being glad. Well, it makes sense to me.

We went to the Cape to celebrate my mother-in-law's 85th birthday (went yesterday, birthday is today) and she seemed happy to have us all turn up. She is pretty chipper despite the fact that she has lost most of her core group of friends in recent years -- one to Alzheimer's, several to moves to warmer climes, and recently one has had a series of falls and is unlikely to be allowed to live on her own; that friend is now living in a nursing home near her only child in CT.

I've been in the kitchen this weekend too --I made bread, apple cake, and carrot-ginger soup.

And I couldn't resist -- I cast on my second Noro scarf! I find the K1P1 soothing and the change in colors endlessly fascinating. I'm using a much different color scheme than the first one and am happy with this, too. Those people are geniuses with color.

Yes, I'm watching the run up to the Oscars. D#2 is clearly Heidi Klum's kindred spirit in terms of accessories.

Did you notice that it's spring training?


Knitting Linguist said...

Non-life-threatening crises are much better than the other kind. It sounds like a good weekend, with lots of things going on. I wish I could come by for a bowl of that soup -- it sounds yummy! I hadn't noticed spring training, as I've been too busy watching biking :)

Nana Sadie said...

Ah...the Noro scarf. I bought the yarn for it, online. Might not have been the best choice, as the colors surprised me when they arrived - BUT...Noro is wondrous - so maybe it's going to be even more fantastic b/c I'm hesitant?

My mom, too, saw her friends dwindle and it's such a sad thing. I'm glad you could visit!

Ginger-carrot soup?

Bea said...

Happy Birthday to MIL!!! Sounds like it was a good weekend. Your cooking sounds yummy.