Sunday, August 24, 2008

Can You Post Tomato Pictures to a Knitting Blog?

That was R's question, and the answer of course, is: why yes, you can. I've been doing it all season, as you know. This is the first full-size tomato from my garden, and it was spectacular. Each slice was glowing yellow inside and amazingly sweet, and there were very few seeds.

So then D#1 wanted me to take a picture of her lunch.
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Knitting Linguist said...

Mmm...What a yummy-looking tomato! I want to come to your house for lunch :)

Bea said...

Yummy tomato and yummy lunch. :)

Kathleen said...

I'm literally salivating at the sight of that luscious tomato. I want to grow some in containers next year along with peppers. We were gone too much this summer to do it, but next year, watch out!