Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Important Anniversary

Today is the anniversary of the date on which the 19th Amendment to the Constitution became law, in 1920. That's correct; women in the United States have only had the right to vote for 88 years. Surprised?

I was thinking about this anniversary anyway (my mother is an historian and I have learned some of my lessons well!) when I ran across a blog that asked fellow bloggers to write about something that gave them pleasure. So there you go -- although I am dismayed by the fact that it took our lawmakers so long, I am very pleased that I live in a country in which it is legal, possible, and safe for me to cast my vote.

Tomorrow D#2 goes back to school. She is looking forward to it. This, too, gives me pleasure. She is returning to the school where she went to kindergarten, and since she hasn't been there for 2 years, I suspect she's a little nervous. Luckily, there will be some children from her summer school class in her room this year, and she is great at settling into a new group. (Amazingly enough, she has not yet chosen her outfit.)


Bea said...

Good Luck D2!!!

Knitting Linguist said...

It does indeed continually amaze me that I know people who were alive when women weren't allowed to vote here. Not that long ago, at all.

Good luck to D#2! I know she's going to do great :)