Saturday, August 30, 2008

Time Flies When School Looms

I don't quite know where the time went this week -- certainly I was caught up in the "waste every minute you can before school starts" frenzy, but there was also time for some fun (lunch with my mother tops that list, along with listening to D#2 describe her "best first day ever").

In any case, here we are, it's Labor Day weekend, and, like some other teachers I know, I have plenty left on my summer to-do list. We are puppysitting (we didn't get to keep her but we still get to have her in our lives), recovering from moving around a lot of furniture (thanks, CG brother!), and trying to manage D#1's leg pain. She has been having significant pain in the lateral thigh area (both legs) for some time; after visit #2 the pediatrician ordered her to do NOTHING this weekend and shuffled us on to the orthopedist for help in finding answers. With any luck, the rest will help enough that she can start school on time. Sitting around isn'ther favorite thing to do but she's been a good sport about it for the most part. She's also mulling over an extreme change in her look and has spent lots of time online inspecting short hairstyles. The tween version of retail therapy, perhaps?

There has been knitting but I can't show it. If all goes as planned, though, I will be in endless faculty meetings Tuesday and hope to finish off a couple WIPs before deciding on a project to inaugurate the school year. I like the look of this ... and of course my Ravelry queue has plenty of scope for choosing, as well.

We're awash in tomatoes, finally.

1 comment:

Knitting Linguist said...

It sounds like the the new-school-year frenzy has begun! I'm so glad that D#2 had a perfect first day, and that you had some time for a nice lunch with your mom. I'm sorry to hear about D#1's legs -- that's worrisome for you and frustrating for her. I hope the orthopod has some good answer and treatment plans. Good luck with your meetings on Tuesday, I'll be thinking of you as I sit in my faculty meeting :)