Friday, August 8, 2008

From the Land of Eternal Rain

Here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, it is lush and green, and very damp indeed. Rivers and creeks and brooks and lakes are rising (here's a math problem: if a lake is roughly seven miles long and a mile and a half wide at its widest, about how much rain would cause said lake to rise EIGHTEEN INCHES?). Yes, it has been a wet week. In front of the Goodrich Library in Newport, there are no fewer than four different kinds of mushrooms growing on the lawn.

Oh, yes. And I've thrown out my back.

Here's hoping that 8/08/08 brings good luck -- let the Ravelympics commence!

1 comment:

Knitting Linguist said...

Oh, no!! I'm sorry to hear about your back. And about the rain -- that can be not so fun. I hope that watching the Olympics tonight helps :)