Friday, January 2, 2009


I have started the Luna Moth Shawl for my friend, but have already had to frog back to row 15 three times--I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I've ended up 4 stitches short between rows 15 and 21 each time. This next time I won't talk to anyone until I've gotten through the first repeat of chart 2. I like the idea of a shawl in heavier weight yarn and am using a VERY bright colorway. We shall see (both about the colorway and my ability to read/count properly).

My parents gave me a gift card to a local independent bookstore, so today I used part of it to purchase Luxury Yarns One-Skein Wonders. This ought to be a much used volume, given that my luxury yarn purchases do indeed tend to be in one skein increments. For example, I have some Habu cashmere and Neighborhood Fiber Co cashmere and merino blend (exactly like this but unpictured in my own stash) looking for good patterns.

In a truly vacation-y bit of planning, today I went with my mother to see Milk. It was fabulous. Here's the trailer, in case you missed it:

This might be Sean Penn's best performance ever.

Alas, my vacation is sputtering to an end. Tonight, with R and D#2 away, D#1 and I are eating mango shrimp and beef teriyaki from a local Chinese restaurant and watching the 2nd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. We have our regular routine of swim practice, laundry, swim practice, supermarket, & Hebrew tutor this weekend, along with a gathering for my nephew's birthday -- I have a book review to write (on a wonderful book, Baseball Love, by George Bowering), and then with Monday's dawn comes a professional day on creativity in teaching. Although in my usual surly way I'd rather have the day to myself, this program promises to be different enough that it might actually by interesting. In any case, they pay me, and these days, that's nothing to sneeze at ...


MsKnitSox said...

Happy New Year! What a great gift certificate to receive - I got a few to Borders, so I know I'll be adding more books to my collection, lol. I might need to check out Milk - it really did look good.

Knitting Linguist said...

Ooh! You'll have to tell me how that book is -- the title has caught my eye, for the same reason. I'm looking forward to seeing Milk, too, when I get a chance -- the timing seems extremely apropos here in CA. Good luck with your workshop on Monday; can you at least bring knitting?